How To Get Fit & Stay In Shape Without Using The Gym

While the long-term health benefits of exercise are undeniable, some activities are embraced for their adrenaline rush as much as their positive effect on your fitness levels. If you’re the type of person who loves the feeling of exercise — the rush of endorphins and the feeling of brute power — but aren’t a fan of gyms, you should look to the great outdoors for ways to stay in shape.

Before the gym there was nature, and over thousands of years humans have stayed healthy and active by navigating the natural obstacles that are put in their path. Gyms are a completely new concept in the grand scheme of things, and you shouldn’t feel compelled to join a gym when there is a world of natural exercise to explore. Here are just a few of the ways you can get that endorphin rush without ever stepping foot in the gym.


Not only one of the easiest ways to stay healthy, but also one of the most inexpensive — all you need is a pair of shoes (check out this article for inspiration) and a place to run to. Jogging will not only burn fat and increase your lung capacity, but also improve the muscular strength in your legs. The beauty of jogging is that it can last for as long as you’d like it to, and you can make your workout harder by running on an incline.


If you find yourself less drawn to greenery and more to the water, surfing is not only a great way to stay active and an unrivalled adrenaline rush, but also extremely cool. Whether you spent a large portion of the 90s admiring the stunning surf sequences in Point Break or you feel that the ocean is your true calling, surfing offers a unique opportunity for man to conquer nature — if you’re willing to put in the hard work.

Riding a wave is not something that is achieved easily, and is the result of a lot of practise. To surf well, you will need to invest in some essential equipment. A surf board is a given, but a wetsuit is just as important if you are learning the surf in the icy waters that surround Great Britain — this isn’t the Central Coast in California, after all.


If surfing is too new-wave for you and you’d prefer to just be out there in the water doing your thing, swimming is also a very good source of exercise. While you could swim in the ocean (watching out for any strong current or dangerous wildlife), you would be much better off exercising in a heated swimming pool. You may not be outdoors anymore, but it’s certainly more chilled than a busy gym environment. While many find swimming laps in a pool therapeutic, you can actually listen to music while you’re doing so.

Home Workouts

Home workouts are a great way to get fit and stay in-shape, in the comfort of your own home. Think about the benefits of not having to travel to and from the gym for every workout, you’d save so much time. There are so many different workouts you can do at home too, whether it’s doing a workout video from Youtube, stretches & yoga if your garden to mini circuits with a set of dumbbells.

Whatever activity you choose, make sure your decision reflects what you will enjoy the most. The key to sustaining a healthy exercise routine is to find something you love doing — this way it will seem less like a workout and more like a hobby.