Fit fun! the amazing benefits of skateboarding

Fit fun! the amazing benefits of skateboarding

9 Surprising Benefits of Skateboarding

Anyone who has ever tried to skateboard knows it is more than just a sport. It is an art form, a lifestyle and ultimately, a culture for millions of people around the world. People have been skateboarding for decades, and while it may be considered an extreme sport, it is a hobby that can be started immediately.

Whether you are a high-school student looking for a fun way to get to school or a high-flying professional hoping to destress after a busy day at work, there are many benefits to skateboarding that can transform your life. With a wide range of skate decks to choose from, there is a board out there for anyone hoping to start.

Improves Patience

Performing seemingly gravity-defying tricks doesn’t happen overnight. With every successful trick comes hours and hours of perseverance, failure, and determination to perfect the skill. Whether you are an amateur just starting or a seasoned pro, you will never be successful without patience.

Learning to be a more patient person, and understanding how it can lead to long-term success, will serve you well in both your personal and professional life.

Convenient Transport Method

If you live in a major city or community where your office or school is reached via cycling or walking, switching to skateboarding will not only get you there far quicker, but it will likely be a far more enjoyable commute.

If public transport is part of your daily trip, skateboards are light and can easily be carried when needed. Before making the switch, it is essential to research your city’s rules regarding riding skateboards on pavements, roads or cycling lanes. Any limitation could negatively impact your ability to get around without breaking the law.

Stress Reliever

For many people, turning to a hobby or exercise routine is a fantastic way of relieving stress and breaking up their daily routines. For those who choose to skateboard, focusing on the skills and practice needed to perfect this activity prevents them from dwelling on their stresses and triggers.

For some, skateboarding can go as far as putting them into a meditative state, making it the perfect distraction from their worries of the day.

Builds Strength

As a beginner, you will quickly learn that skateboarding uses nearly every muscle in your body, making it a great activity to build your strength. Maintaining your balance, especially on uneven surfaces, will give you a fantastic core workout.

Crouching will test your hamstrings while standing up straight engages your glutes. Perfecting an ollie will get your quads burning. Regularly engaging these muscle groups as you spend more time on your skateboard will effectively build your strength without any extra work.

Affordable to Maintain

For most people choosing a new hobby, the price tag that will inevitably come with it often influences their desire to start. Skateboarding is an affordable hobby to start, as many beginner boards cost anywhere between £20-80.

If money is tight, there are many secondhand boards available online that are in good condition and will last for two to four years. Additionally, learning basic skills can be done via online guides or other skaters, meaning you don’t have to fork out for professional lessons.

Cardio Workout

For many activity-based hobbies, getting a solid cardio workout is almost inevitable. And skateboarding is no different. Because you will regularly go from pacing or running to explosive bursts of energy when performing tricks, skateboarding works your body in a similar way to high-intensity workouts.

Engaging in any type of cardio exercise is extremely important for maintaining a healthy weight and assisting your heart, lungs and other vital organs in performing necessary bodily functions properly and effectively.

Highly Sociable

Skateboarding holds worldwide popularity, meaning that once you start, you join a massive community that continues to grow every single day. It brings together people from all walks of life, allowing you to meet others who share your interests and helps you to expand your social circle.

In 2019, a student at the University of Southern California conducted a study observing the bonds created between the diverse social groups who came together through skateboarding. She concluded that regardless of who you were, you were part of a larger community with genuine, positive connections.

Teaches Safe Falling

When starting a new hobby involving wheels, like cycling, skateboarding or rollerblading, many people get nervous about the dangers of falling. But the truth is, skateboarding is safer than you might think.

Through a widespread study done on sporting injuries, falls or accidents sustained through skateboarding made up just 2% of all injuries recorded. This is primarily due to skateboarders quickly learning how to fall safely to avoid injuries. As an added bonus, you will know what to do to prevent yourself from facing the same incident again in the future.

Trains Coordination Skills

When learning and ultimately perfecting skateboarding tricks, your arms, legs, feet and eyes all work together to keep you upright and allow you to successfully master new tricks and skills. For those who feel a little more uncoordinated, learning how to skateboard can help you improve your coordination and precision.

While the learning curve can be steep, don’t become discouraged. Persisting with it will help you transfer your newly acquired skills to other activities like driving, multitasking and general household chores.