How to prepare yourself for a divorce

How to prepare yourself for a divorce

The breakdown of any relationship can be an incredibly tough situation to navigate, but this is especially true when it comes to divorce. There are so many complicated issues to address in the wake of a divorce, from the financial aspects to legal proceedings, as well as the emotional toll a separation takes on both parties involved.

In this article, we’ll discuss some of the best practices you can adopt as you prepare to go through divorce proceedings which should help you navigate this incredibly difficult situation with minimal conflict and emotional distress.

Put your children first

If you and your ex-partner have children, their wellbeing should be your top priority throughout the divorce process. Consider how you can minimise disruption to their routines and ensure they feel safe and supported.

Open communication with your children is key, and you should tailor the information you share to their age and understanding. You need to make sure your children feel seen and heard as you navigate your new family dynamic, so offer them the opportunity to share their feelings and try to reassure them about any concerns they may have about the future.

Get your financial records in order

Financial matters are often a significant source of stress during a divorce. To make the process as easy as possible, gather all your important financial documents together in one easily accessible place. This includes things like bank statements, payslips, mortgage agreements and pension statements. By doing so, you will get a clear picture of your financial situation which will help you during discussions surrounding finances in your divorce settlement.

Understand the legal process

The legal process surrounding a divorce or separation can be incredibly complex and many people find it hard to grasp what is expected of them from a legal standpoint.

Several steps need to be taken to begin your divorce proceedings, such as filing for divorce and the application process, and you may also encounter other challenges along the way if you and your ex-partner are unable to come to amicable, mutual agreements.

If you feel like you could benefit from some additional guidance in the wake of your separation, you could consider speaking to a family law solicitor. They’ll be able to offer you their expert counsel and give you the support you need.

Keep a record of everything

Even if you and your ex-partner are in a good place and are working hard to try and get through your divorce with minimal conflict, we know that situations can arise that can make communication and coming to an agreement virtually impossible.

That’s why it’s important to keep a record of all communication you and your ex-partner have throughout the entire divorce process. This includes correspondences such as emails, texts and phone logs. This can be helpful if any disagreements do arise, especially if things were to escalate and your case ended up in court.